16 Lesser Known Skin Care Facts

16 Lesser Known Skin Care Facts

How much do you know about skin? Are you a guru or a novice? 

Learning about skin can help you understand your own skin concerns & choose products more tailored to them. 

So why not test yourself? We are willing to bet that you won't know all of the following facts.


    1. Did you know that collagen makes up 70% of your dermis? Collagen keeps your skin looking plump and youthful.


    2. Did you know that from our 20's we lose approximately 10% of our collagen every decade?


    3. Did you know that broadspectrum sunscreen means it protects from both UVA and UVB rays?


    4. Did you know that sunscreens can either absorb (chemical) or reflect (mineral) the suns rays?


    5. Did you know that skin cell turnover takes 4-6 weeks depending on your age and skin quality? This is why it takes a while to see results from skincare and why our kits are designed to last 6-8 weeks!


    6. Did you know that elastin fibers give our skin its elasticity. Our body stops producing elastin by the time we reach our 20’s and as we age it breaks down and our skin begins to sag. UV exposure speeds up this process 😱


    7. Did you know that the stratum corneum is the outermost layer of your epidermis - otherwise known as your skin barrier? If your skin barrier is compromised it can lead to inflammation, acne, uneven skin tone and texture, dehydration and exacerbates other existing skin conditions. Antioxidants like Niacinamide are used to strengthen and repair the skin barrier. This is always the first place to start. other products are not going to work as well if you don’t have a healthy skin barrier and may even cause irritation. 


    8. Did you know that dry skin is not the same as dehydrated skin? If your skin is naturally dry you will need more hydrating products however if your skin barrier becomes compromised your skin can become dehydrated giving even oily skin that flakey, tight feeling. Hyaluronic acid holds 1000 times its weight in weight so is great for treating both dry and dehydrated skin however to fix dehydrated skin you need to repair the skin barrier.


    9. Did you know that your skin has glands that help regulate the natural oils the body produces? These are called sebaceous glands and they produce sebum. When they are operating optimally they keep the cells protected from uv radiation, prevent the growth of bad bacteria, deliver vital antioxidants to the surface of your skin, reduce inflammation and help keep the skin hydrated and maintains your skins acid mantle. If these glands become blocked or start over producing sebum or the acid mantle is compromised bacteria growth can lead to acne breakouts, the skin can become inflamed and dehydrated and the pH of the skin will change. 


    10. Did you know that hormones can disrupt the balance of sebum production? This is why breakouts most often occur during puberty, that time of the month and sometimes even menopause.


    11. Did you know that there are 3 key hormones in your skin - estrogen, progesterone & androgens? Your hormone levels fluctuate throughout your life and can disrupt the balance in your skin. This can lead to an impaired skin barrier. These key times are puberty, pregnancy, menopause and of course during your period!


    12. Did you know that an impaired skin barrier can cause dehydration, inflammation, irritation, breakouts or a dull complexion? It can also exacerbate any other underlying skin conditions such as acne, rosacea or dermatitis.


    13. Did you know that UV radiation accounts for a whopping 80% of premature ageing?! There are many environmental factors that can affect the function of our skin but the biggest culprit is the sun. This is what makes sunscreen the best anti-ageing product you can use!


    14. Did you know that there are 3 types of UV rays - UVA, UVB and UVC? UVC are the most deadly but don't make it through the atmosphere so aren't ones we need to worry about. The easiest way to tell the other two apart is to remember that UVA = ageing and UVB = burning! This is why you are still need sunscreen even if you don't burn easily. No one wants to age faster!


    15. Did you know that blue light, such as that from your phone, computer or TV, can cause free radical damage and stimulate melanin production? If you do find you are developing a more uneven complexion you may want to limit your screen time and use a pigment reducing product. Even apply sunscreen if you know you will be in front of a screen for a long period of time might seem extreme but it will actually help!


    16. Did you know that air pollutants can impair your skin barrier, cause free radical damage and exacerbate existing skin conditions? This is why it is so important to cleanse your face at the end of each day. Antioxidants will help to neutralise free radical damage and keeping your skin hydrated will help fortify the skin barrier. You might find if you travel to a very polluted city your skin will react unfavourably.


    So you tell us... were these helpful or did you already know them?

    There are always new trends and products in the spotlight but don't be taken in by the glitz and glamour, do your own research.

    Just because a product has worked wonders for someone else's skin, doesn't mean it is the right one for you.


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